50 Dia De Los Muertos Quotes For Celebrating Life
Looking to celebrate Dia de los Muertos? These Dia de Los Muertos quotes are exactly what you need to celebrate one of the most unique and special holidays on planet earth.
The whole concept of this holiday is the notion that at one special time of the year, the spirits of those who have passed away come back to celebrate and reunite with the living for two days.
Many people misunderstand Dia de Los Muertos and mistake it with Halloween, they are not the same thing though.
On this holiday, families create offerings and honor their departed loved ones. They create beautiful altars with marigold flowers and leave gifts, prayers, food, and other tokens to demonstrate their appreciation for those they have lost and celebrate their lives. The idea is to celebrate them as if they were still physically living.
Check out these Dia de Los Muertos quotes and think about a loved one you want to celebrate.
Thought-provoking Dia de Los Muertos Quotes
1. “People fear death more than pain.” – Jim Morrison
2. “Why fear death? It is the most beautiful adventure in life.” – Charles Frohman
3. “Death is the opening to a more subtle life.” – Juliette Adam
4. “Nothing can happen more beautiful than death.” – Walt Whitman
5. “To live in hearts we leave behind is not to die.” – Thomas Campbell
6. “It is a fact of life that we all die.” – Catherine Pulsifer
7. “Death isn’t sad. The sad thing is: most people don’t live at all.” – Socrates, ‘Peaceful Warrior’
8. “Is death the last sleep? No, it is the last final awakening.” – Walter Scott
9. “Death is the gate of life.” – St. Bernard of Clairvaux
10. “To live in hearts we leave behind is not to die.” – Thomas Campbell, “Hallowed Ground”
11. “A human life is a story told by God.” – Hans Christian Andersen
12. “The spiritual dimension of the Day of the Dead is central to the experience of most celebrants.”- Stanley Brandes
13. “The day which we fear as our last is but the birthday of eternity.” – Seneca
14. “The life of the dead is placed in the memory of the living.” – Marcus Tullius Cicero
15. “For death is no more than a turning of us over from time to eternity.” – William Penn
16. “Oh, may I join the choir invisible of those immortal dead who live again.” – George Eliot
17. “Life hurts a lot more than death.” – Jim Morrison
18. “After all, to the well-organized mind, death is but the next great adventure.” – J.K. Rowling
19. “To live in hearts we leave behind is not to die.” – Thomas Campbell, “Hallowed Ground”
20. “For what is it to die but to stand naked in the wind and to melt into the sun?” – Kahlil Gibran
Heartwarming Dia de Los Muertos Quotes
21. “From my rotting body, flowers shall grow, and I am in them, and that is eternity.” – Edvard Munch
22. “The dead cannot cry out for justice. It is a duty of the living to do so for them.” – Lois McMaster Bujold
23. “In the night of death, hope sees a star, and listening love can hear the rustle of a wing.” – Robert Ingersoll
24. “Death is not the greatest loss in life. The greatest loss is what dies inside while still alive.” – Norman Cousins
25. “Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal.” – From a headstone in Ireland
26. “Oh, may I join the choir invisible of those immortal dead who live again.” – George Eliot, “The Choir Invisible”
27. “Death is for many of us the gate of hell; but we are inside on the way out, not outside on the way in.” – George Bernard Shaw
28. “For death, Now I know, is that first breath Which our souls draw when we enter Life, which is of all life center.” – Edwin Arnold
29. “We never bury the dead, son. We take them with us. It’s the price of living.” – Mark Goffman and Jose Molina, “Sleepy Hollow ”
30. “At the point of death, the pain is over” – Jim Morrison
31. “All say, “How hard it is that we have to die” — a strange complaint to come from the mouths of people who have had to live.” – Mark Twain
32. “He who has gone, so we but cherish his memory, abides with us more potent — nay, more present — than the living man.” – Antoine de Saint-Exupery
33. “The Mexican… is familiar with death. [He] jokes about it, caresses it, sleeps with it, celebrates it. It is one of his favorite toys and his most steadfast love.” – Octavio Paz
34. “Just a thin veil, between this world And that world of beauty and love.”– Gertrude Tooley Buckingham, “Just a Thin Veil”
35. “People do not die for us immediately, but remain bathed in a sort of aura of life which bears no relation to true immortality but through which they continue to occupy our thoughts in the same way as when they were alive.” – Marcel Proust
36. “It is as though they [the dead] were traveling abroad.” – Marcel Proust
37. “Mexican soul at it’s finest, Yo soy un mariachi. Singing is what I live for. As it derives my heart to its deepest desires. I am from a proud heritage and lasting memory.” – Cheyenne Raine
Celebratory Dia de los Muertos Quotes
38. “After all, to the well-organized mind, death is but the next great adventure.” – J.K. Rowling, ‘Harry Potter And The Sorcerer’s Stone’
39. “But strew his ashes to the wind whose sword or voice has served mankind. And is he dead, whose glorious mind lifts thine on high?” – Thomas Campbell, ‘Hallowed Ground’
40. “Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal.”-Richard Puz
41. “We must be diligent today. To wait until tomorrow is too late. Death comes unexpectedly. How can we bargain with it?” – Buddha
42. “Día de Muertos has begun! It’s the one night of the year our ancestors can come visit us.” – Abuelita, ‘Coco’
43. “In Mexico, most of the activities and artistic displays connected with this holiday—including special food offerings, cemetery vigils, home altars, and the like—are a folk elaboration entirely separate from liturgical requirements.” – Stanley Brandes
44. “If there’s no one left in the living world to remember you, you disappear from this world. But you can change that!” – Hector, ‘Coco’
45. “People are really dead when you forget about them, and if you think about them, they are alive in your mind, they are alive in your heart” – Mary J. Andrade
46. “Old age. It’s the only disease that you don’t look forward to being cured of.” – Mr. Bernstein, ‘Citizen Kane’
47. “This kind of thing happens alongside the more intimate observation of the family altar… They are not in opposition to one another.”- Claudio Lomnitz
48. “Sounds colliding perfectly is what I crave to breathe in. Una hermosa pasion. That brings me the greatest joy within its exciting rhythms. This is my life and it’s only the beginning.”– Cheyenne Raine
What did you learn from these Dia de Los Muertos quotes?
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